Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Survivor - giving men a bad name

All I can say is wow – are big boobs really that intoxicating? Of course I am speaking of another male – Jason this week – not playing the coveted hidden immunity idol. He was so suckered in by the women into believing he was safe, he was completely blindsided when sent packing wondering what the hell happened. That’s three men on this season who have made the same mistake.

Personally, I’m baffled. But I must say that it was good TV. If you are stupid enough to make the same mistake 2 others have already made, one right under your nose, you deserve to be bitch-slapped for being stupid. What a tool.

Meanwhile, what is up with these women? Watching Natalie in her interview brought to mind the antics Charles Montgomery Burns, the evil overlord of the The Simpsons. Right down to the creepy twitching of the fingers. Natalie and Parvarti are definitely NOT winning any votes. Quite frankly they’re starting to creep me out. The only one who has not completely gone over to the dark side is Amanda – I think she could take this whole thing.

Sadly however, I don’t think James will be around much longer, so I won’t be able to ogle his fine, fine male physique. Very unfortunate.

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posted by Jean at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 0 comments
American Idol Recap 4/23

Can someone explain to me why Brooke White is still on the show? Her performance last night was abysmal, and I swear she's making her outfits from furniture upholstery or curtains. Maybe I should start calling her Scarlet O'Hara. Jason Castro butchered "Memory" - what is going on? With these two awful performances, I'm shocked and awed that Carly was sent home - she did great! I'm pretty sure we have the "tweens" to blame. I'd like to ask every parent with girls between the ages of 6 - 16 to take away their cell phones every Tuesday so this kind of farce won't be allowed to happen again.

Besides, I had picked Brooke White to be voted out in my American Idol bracket, and she has completely screwed my standings. I have a reputation to uphold, Miss Scarlet!! And come on, look at this pic! It looks like those cheesy school photos from the eighties, where you had a clean smiling face on the front, and the same in the background kid looking dreamily towards their next Mad Libs session. She's killin' me here!
posted by Jean at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 - 0 comments
Friday, April 25, 2008
Reality Recaps
Here you will find weekly recaps from the wonderful world of TV. I don't watch them all, just the best of the best. Please leave a comment on anything you don't see covered here. Happy reading!
posted by Jean at Friday, April 25, 2008 - 0 comments

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