Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Is Mary Murphy the spawn of hell?
In an earlier post about the summer’s upcoming Reality TV line-up, I classified "So You Think You Can Dance” in the “What will probably suck but I’m watching anyway” category. I have to admit, I was wrong.

I know, I know, you’re thinking “that’s just not possible – you’re right about everything!” But being perfect means admitting when you’re not – it is an oxymoron, I know.

But seriously, I love this show. The dancing is really, really good. I actually found myself in tears the other night. Its one near-fatal flaw is Mary Murphy. The screams, the cackles, those bug eyes! And those teeth – My God! They are mutant white. I swear she must gargle with bleach to achieve that glow-in-the-dark look. Do you think America could vote her off?

Aside from Scary Mary, I have definitely found a new favorite. If you appreciate art, you really should check it out.

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posted by Jean at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 - 0 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
suck it up
Apparently being a gynecologist from Chicago means that: a) You are a bitch, and b) you have to talk with a bizarre, snotty tone at all times. I can see that Nicole is the one who is really going to provide me with some great content. That whole business with her refusing to sleep outside – OMG! Then she started referring to herself as Dr. Diva. I thought it was priceless when she found out they were all leaving her on the beach for the night. At least that left her free to find prey in the cover of darkness before turning into a bat.

My husband and I are kind of leaning towards skinny, whiny Bobby as the Mole last night, but now I’m having second thoughts. I think that Mark is also a strong candidate. The man’s a history teacher – in the Carusoe challenge the things he was putting on the table were ridiculous. A Victrola, seriously? It wasn’t even put on the market until 1901.

And let’s face it, anyone who would voluntarily style his hair like that has got to be hiding something.

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posted by Jean at Wednesday, June 04, 2008 - 0 comments

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